Tuesday, December 29, 2009
A few knitting pics...
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Whew! One more done!

Sunday, December 6, 2009
Finished the first sleeve!
Yesterday was my birthday. It was a lot of fun. I got to relax and knit, and didn't do a single bit of laundry. ;) Even though it needed to be done. I'm catching up on laundry today and tomorrow. Anyway, I got a bunch of yummy presents; cookies and more cookies and chocolates...and Hubby gave me Sarah Palin's book. I've only finished the first chapter, but so far it's a really good book. :)
My allergies are driving me crazy today, and the benedryl is making me sleepy, so that's why this post is less-than-coherent. Signing off now...I'll post more, more-coherently, when I have time.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
More progress!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Working on a new pattern...
In the meantime, I'm also working on Princess's poncho, and planning a sweater for a new niece, who will hopefully not be arriving until February. She's been trying to come early, so I'd appreciate prayers for my sister Sara, and her baby Evellyn. Thanks!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Progress has been made...
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Finished the mittens!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Looks good, but doesn't fit...
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
I'm afraid we've been adopted...
Sunday, November 1, 2009
And Angel, as Betsy Ross!
I sewed together some strips of red and white fabric, and put a few separate ones in her basket, as if it was her sewing basket, and she was working on a flag. She did a great job, explaining to the clueless neighbors who Betsy Ross was.
And here's one of all three girls, at the costume contest. None of them won, but that's okay. Their costumes were definitely the most original, and probably the most well-made, if I do say so myself. ☺
Anyway, Halloween's over. Now I can get back to Christmas knitting! ☺
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Took a little break from knitting...
Thursday, October 15, 2009
From The Top...
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Another finished project!
Again, this is my own design, and I'm working on additional sizes before being ready to publish the pattern. It's a seamless raglan with elbow-length sleeves. I used one skein of Naturally Caron Spa, in "Rose Bisque" and a little tiny bit of the same yarn in "Misty Taupe" for the crochet trim around the edges and ends of the sleeves. I think that "Misty Taupe" would be better named: silver. Okay, it's not as creative a name, but that's what color it is. When I think of taupe, I think beige. This is a very shiny, silky silver. But anyway, that's not really important. What is important is that I absolutely LOVE Spa. This yarn is so silky and soft; it's a real joy to work with. I'm glad this project only used one skein; that means I have five skeins left for Angel's sweater. ☺ And Angel already told me that she wants a matching shrug(but not for Christmas, because it wouldn't be a surprise). But I'm going to do hers all in the silver, because she has several long, navy blue, sleeveless dresses, and I think the silver and navy blue will look really classy together. And, doing it all in one color makes it more versatile; it'll be able to go with her other dresses as well.
I've restarted on Angel's sweater, doing it exactly how I'd done it before. I had thought it wasn't shaping up well, but that's just because it was on such a short circular that I couldn't straighten it out and get a real feel for how I liked it. When I took it off the needle to frog it, I thought it didn't look so bad after all, but I frogged it anyway... and now, after thinking about it for a few days, I like it. So I started it again. I need to trust my original idea....I think it'll turn out pretty well.
Only 80 days left until Christmas!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
A finished project!
Now I'm working on Angel's sweater...well, actually, getting ready to start over on her sweater. I'm knitting it from the top-down, and started with the turtleneck collar. I cast-on enough stitches for it to fit easily over her head, and then realized, even with ribbing it'll be too big around for her slender little neck. So I'm going to start over with fewer stitches, and hope that it will stretch enough to fit her head through. Wish me luck!
Monday, September 28, 2009
I have the best friends!
My friends are awesome! I love you all, BunkerBabes! You have cheered me up immensely! And this swapping thing is fun! ☺
Friday, September 25, 2009
Forced Frugality.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Introducing: my rejected pattern.
Friday, September 18, 2009
I am frustrated.
It's a top-down in-the-round poncho for Princess. I've only spent one evening and one full day working on it (which is partly why my hands hurt so much) to get it to this point. It's very easy...I started with my new favorite cast-on: the tubular cast-on(I love it because it's much stretchier than the traditional long-tail cast-on...did about an inch of ribbing, then began increasing, just like I would for a raglan sweater, with basic rope cables between the increases. I haven't decided yet whether I will continue increasing, because if I do, this thing is going to be huge; it will be a square if I lay it flat. But then, Princess is a very active little girl, and I think she might need that extra space to be able to play as hard as she'd like. So at this point I'm undecided. Anybody want to offer an opinion on the issue?
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
knit, knit, knit, knit, knit
Oh, I posted a new pattern (for a coaster) on my pattern blog, so go check that out... the link for my pattern blog is over there. ----------->
Friday, September 11, 2009
September 11
Yes, today should be a day set aside for remembering, but we need to remember all year round. 19 evil men, taking their orders from another evil man, attacked us. They killed thousands of people. They made us afraid. We said afterward that if we live in fear, they win. American flags were everywhere. Patriotic music was on the radio 24/7. Americans pulled together as a nation. And we fought back. The Taliban, who supported Bin Laden in Afghanistan, fell. Saddam Hussein, whose government supported terrorism, fell.
But as time went by, the flags were put away. People began to doubt we were doing the right things. They forgot that we were attacked first. They forgot that America does not back down from a fight. On the anniversary each year, people say they will never forget. But some have.
I am still proud of our country...proud to be an American. And if that offends anyone, I don't care. The United States is the best country in the world. Even though a lot of things have "changed" and are "changing" in our country, it is still America (for the time being anyway). Let's remember those patriotic sentiments we expressed on September 12, 2001, and that we share today, all throughout the year. God bless the United States of America! And may He help us continue to "secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity"!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
busy, bein' creative.
It is a coaster. It's the right size, and I designed it myself. I thought it looked kinda like a flag; at least, that was the idea. Hubby thinks it looks like a bullseye. What do you think? Flag? Bullesye? Goofy-looking in-the-round striped square?
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Ichthus is DONE!
The lace pattern itself is fairly simple, but with the combination of the lace and the techniques, I'd call it an intermediate-advanced pattern. I still have quite a bit of work on my hands, turning my little chart and my almost-nonexistent notes into a marketable pattern.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Praising God, and dancing with joy!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Beginning of a new week.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Someone in the early Church came up with the idea of a fish symbol. The Greek word for fish is "ichthus". Each letter (Greek letters) stands for another Greek word, the translation of which would be "Jesus Christ, God's Son, the Savior". I'm writing it out in English even though I can pronounce it in Greek, because I can't spell it and don't have Greek letters on my keyboard anyway. The early Christians would draw the shape of a fish, and if the person who saw it was a Christian, they would know what it meant.
I have chosen "Ichthus" as the name for this prayer shawl I'm designing. The "ch" is not pronounced like it typically is in English words. Think of the movie/play Fiddler on the Roof, and the song, "Le Chaim"; it's more like that. Ichthus is now about 35 inches wide at the top, and 17 inches long down the centerline. I can hardly wait until I get it finished; it's going to be so nice to wear. I'm still figuring out the idea for the edging, but it'll be a little while before I'm ready for it anyway. I apologize for the sideways picture; it was right on my computer, and I don't know why it uploaded this way.
This is the only thing I'm actually knitting at the moment, though I am in the process of putting together some other design ideas...
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Sent in my pattern...
In the meantime, here's a little hint about a new project I'm designing. I don't know yet how I'll offer this pattern; it's more difficult and fancy than the other ones I've written so far.
It's going to be a triangular shawl, with "fishes all over", as one of my girls said. I'm using a gorgeous, soft, wonderful bamboo/silk/cotton blend. It's fingering-weight, and navy blue. I had planned on using some more of my recycled cotton, but when I was looking for a needle I found this yarn, which I had forgotten I had. When I bought it on ebay, last year, I didn't pay close enough attention to the details; I thought it was worsted-weight. When it arrived, I was surprised, and a little unhappy with my purchase. At the time, I was still a beginning knitter, and had no idea what to do with fingering-weight yarn. So I put it in my stash, and searched half-heartedly through patterns to figure out what I could make with it. I started two projects with it, but quickly got tired of them both. Then I was struck with the inspiration earlier this week, to make a triangular prayer shawl. I haven't ever made a triangular shawl before, but I had done a swatch a few weeks ago to figure out the technique. So I took that basic shape and did some charting and some swatching, and what you see above is the result of that. The picture was actually taken a few days ago, so it's quite a bit bigger now. I'd say I'm maybe 1/5 of the way done with it. I'll likely finish around the time when I'll be needing a warmer shawl than this one. So I'll probably make another one in wool.
We're nearing the end of our first official week of school, and it's been a pretty good week. Angel is doing some review-work in math until I get her new math book(which I still need to order), and is learning to write in cursive, and doing a vocabulary workbook. She is also knitting a scarf for Princess's birthday, and sewing Christmas gifts. And I plan on having her blog this afternoon, too. Princess is learning letters, and doing handwriting. She has a hard time sitting still for very long at a time, but when she does, her handwriting is excellent for a four-year-old. My plan is to have her reading independently by the end of the school-year. Dolly plays while we do schoolwork, and I think she enjoys having a little time by herself to play however she wants. When the girls all play together, the older ones pretty much control the game.
Whew! I think that's everything...
Monday, August 24, 2009
Knitting, knitting, knitting...
And here are the finished scarves, after koolaid dyeing. The color is called "Ice Blue Raspberry Lemonade".
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Home again.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Just venting...
Monday, August 10, 2009
God really does answer prayer.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Goin' to Kansas!
It's a decent-sized town; everything you need is right there, but it's not quite a city. Rush hour traffic there is like normal traffic here in the city where I live now. The only time you get stuck in a real traffic jam there is after a college football game. Downtown isn't a crazy maze of one-way streets like it is here; their "downtown" is a few square blocks, with nice little storefronts, and the mall at one end. The streets are lined with beautiful trees; the trees are so huge that they reach each other across the two-lane streets and form a green canopy. So pretty. I love my hometown. It's grown a lot since I lived there, so I don't know my way around as well as I used to (which, I must admit, wasn't very well to begin with; I've always had a terrible sense of direction). They have all the shopping and such that you could want, so people don't have to drive to Topeka or Kansas City unless they really want to. I'm looking forward to hitting the fabric/yarn stores and the thrift shops while I'm there. ☺
But mostly, I'm looking forward to visiting with my family, giggling with my sisters, discussing theology with my dad, hanging out with my mom and getting advice from her, seeing my brothers, watching my kids play with their cousins (note to self: pack earplugs! They can get pretty noisy), and getting a chance to finally hold Allyson (the newest baby in the family). I'll miss my hubby, but I'm glad the girls and I get this chance to go.
So anyway, today I'm doing laundry and packing. Got to remember to bring lots of DVDs...it's gonna be a long drive.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Itty bitty socks...
It was quite simple, but I don't think I'd have chosen garter stitch for the top of the cuff; it doesn't have a lot of stretch. I think if I make more of these, I'll do a few rows of ribbing instead.
I am refining the pattern, and will post it on my pattern blog soon.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Busy...busy...frightfully busy...
Saturday, July 25, 2009
The pattern for "Laura" is finally available!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Who says Christmas only comes once a year?
I'm saving the white muslin I had used for the linings of the drapes, to make petticoats to go with the girls' halloween costumes. Angel is going to be Betsy Ross, and Princess is going to be Felicity, from the American Girl series. So they both need very puffy petticoats. Dolly hasn't yet let us know who she wants to be.
Now back to knitting...
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Baby Bibs
I don't know why this picture uploaded sideways. Oh, well. Again, I did a basic garter stitch one. The second green one is a slip stitch pattern I saw somewhere and liked. The stitch pattern is knit five, slip one, repeat. Then all the stitches are purled on the wrong side. I added a garter stitch border, to keep it from curling. The strap on this one was very wide: 11 stitches.
And here are the blue ones. The blue cabled one is my favorite. The wide cables are 4 stitches, the narrow ones are 2 stitches. All of the cables cross in front; the wide cables every 8 rows, the narrow ones every 4 rows. The background of the cables is just garter stitch, but there's only one stitch between each cable. The strap is 8 stitches, with the wide cable continuing all the way around.