Here's the WIP(work-in-progress) picture of Laura's shawl. I know I promised to post it on Monday, but I got distracted and forgot to take a picture until today. Sorry about that. It's almost three feet long now, so just over two feet to go. I think if you click on the picture, you can see it bigger. That way you can see the detail better. The lace pattern is a very simple eyelet diamond. Easy, pretty, elegant, but not showy. I love showy shawls, but my skills aren't quite to that level yet.

I am working on another design, using a different lace pattern that I came up with myself, but I'm not sure yet if I want to make it a shawl. Maybe something smaller...I've got some ideas, but I haven't settled on anything yet. I'm enjoying this new foray into designing. I've been designing my own stuff almost since I learned to knit last year, but I was designing it for myself, not for anyone else. Now I'm keeping track of my ideas, and refining them. Hopefully, I can come up with a few patterns that other people will want to knit.
As soon as I get this shawl done, I'm going back to my big project: the pattern I want to submit to Knitty. I set it aside near the end of knitting the second size, and I need to get back to it. September seems like a long time away, but I know that I can't procrastinate. I need to get this pattern written and get test knitters lined up, so that I will be able to make any edits to the pattern before the deadline. My goal is to be finished knitting all five by the beginning of August, so that my test knitters will have at least a month to do theirs. It is a pretty quick knit; when I was working exclusively on the smallest size, I finished it within about a week. I just have to keep myself from getting distracted, once "Laura" is done. Wish me luck!