Saturday, May 29, 2010
Fortunately, I don't have any poison ivy on my hands, so I'm still able to knit. I'm just over halfway done with the blue "Posy Patch", and I've got my test knitters working on theirs. Once I get a little more feedback from them, I'll send the design proposal to Knit Picks. I really hope they like it. It was very disappointing last fall when my cardigan pattern was rejected by Knitty. I worked so hard on that design, and I love it so much. That rejection hurt, as rejections usually do. Naturally, I don't want to be disappointed again. But..."nothing ventured, nothing gained" on we go!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Busy, busy, busy
I also worked on "Posy Patch" at the dentist's office; I had two appointments there this week, to get fillings. Ow. My last dentist was a quack; he always raved about how I had great teeth, and no cavities. So why did I suddenly have seven??? Anyway, they're filled now, and I'm so glad that's over for this year. The dentist's assistant seemed to think I was a little strange, because I was holding a skein of yarn in my hands and squeezing and petting it while the dentist was drilling in my teeth. But it helped keep me relaxed, so I don't care if she did think I was weird.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
"Posy Patch" one down, one to go.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Like my new look?

I know, this is just silliness, and has nothing to do with knitting. Nothing to do with anything, really, other than avatars. But anyway, it's fun. If you'd like to make your own avatars, here's the site that lets you build them:
Monday, May 17, 2010
A sneak peek...
Saturday, May 15, 2010
A new project.
I am in love with this yarn. I'd never tried it before, but had heard great things about it. It's Knit Picks Swish DK, in the color "Petal". It's perfect for this baby blanket I'm making with it. I just hope I have enough. I bought 5 skeins. I'm thinking I should have bought 6 or 7. But I'll wait and see when I get about halfway through, whether I'll need to order more. Of course, the challenge then will be trying to get more in the same dyelot. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. And then, if I do need to order more, I'll order the same amount more in the blue that I got with the pink. I'm making two blankets, with the same design, one pink and one blue. I hope I have enough already.
Ok, enough rambling. Back to knitting.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
A wasted day
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Demolition :)
Monday, May 10, 2010
Yard work and house work and knitting, oh my!
The next thing on the to-do list is to burn all the brush; once again we have piles. We won't be able to work on that today; it's supposed to be windy. Safety first. But another thing on my to-do list is to pull all the pickets off the back fence. We're going to redo it, as inexpensively as we can, which means leaving the posts and some of the supports that are already there, as long as they're level and square. We're also going to make it about half the height that it is now, to take advantage of the great view of the pasture, now that all those trees and vines are gone.
In knitting news, I've made a bunch of squares. ☺ And I'm working on more. I also got yarn to make baby blankets for a friend of mine who is having twins. I'm going to make a pink and a blue blanket, both with the same pattern. I'm designing the pattern, and I'm going to submit it to Knit Picks, for their Independent Designer Program. I'll be using Knit Picks Swish DK yarn, which, I've been told, is a lovely, soft superwash wool. It definitely feels soft in-the-skein; I can't wait to get it knitted up.
And I have a new favorite yarn: "I Love This Cotton" from Hobby Lobby. I got some for making squares, and now I'm wondering why I waited so long to try out this lovely yarn! It's incredibly soft in-the-skein, and even softer in the knitted fabric. It has great stitch definition. It's a much smoother, softer cotton than the "Peaches and Cream" that Walmart sells, or the "Sugar and Cream" that Hobby Lobby sells. And the price isn't much higher than that of those yarns. If you haven't worked with this yarn yet, go get some. You will love it, too.