Saturday, March 27, 2010
Progress on Adamas
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
In memory of Lyla.
I had planned to send these to my friend, and have her find out whether they fit well; whether they needed to be looser or snugger, or longer or shorter... And then I was going to tweak the pattern as needed and make more, a bunch more. I won't be doing that now. But I will keep Lyla's legwarmers, as a reminder to pray for her family. And maybe someday, there'll be someone else who can make use of them. If/when that happens, I'll update the pattern and publish it.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Another new pattern in the works...
Thursday, March 18, 2010
A new pattern!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Happy Bunker Liberation Day!

Friday, March 12, 2010
A whole lotta knittin' goin' on.
Here's the back. Can you see where the stitches were grafted?
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Knitting like crazy
Thursday, March 4, 2010
I iz sick.
I decided to set aside the Adamas Shawl I was working on yesterday. I had forgotten that some of my friends also wanted to do that pattern, and we had talked about doing a knit-along. Oops. My friend Christine reminded me, but not before I had already done four repeats of the second chart. So it's back to "Surf" for me...once I feel more like knitting. Maybe this afternoon.
In the meantime, I have to get up off my behind and mail a couple of packages... ☺
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
New project on the needles!
I really like this pattern so far. It's well-written, and easy to memorize. I started last night, and here's a picture. I just completed the first repeat of the second chart. Thirteen repeats to go.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Olympics are over...what to do? what to do?
On Monday, I was chatting online with my friends, who are also conservative knitters. We like to bounce ideas off of each other and encourage each other. After some discussion, I was encouraged to frog a project that had been hibernating for a year. It was a top-down raglan v-neck cardigan, with columns of cables all around the waist. I still love the design, and intend to remake it sometime, but with better yarn. You see, I had bought this yarn before I really knew the difference between inexpensive(cheap) acrylic, and good wool. I hate working with acrylic now, which is why this has been languishing in my hibernating-projects bin for over a year. Also, it wouldn't quite fit me now anyway. After some debating with myself and my friends, I decided I wasn't going to finish it in this yarn. So I took a picture, so I'd remember how it looked, then I took out the needles and began frogging. (For any non-knitters who may be reading, "frogging" refers to the ripping-out mantra: "rip-it, rip-it") Here's the "before" picture...
Sorry, I didn't take an after picture, but when I was done, I ended up with three liberated needles, and two balls of red acrylic yarn. It would have been three balls, but the third one got all tangled up when I was taking it off the winder, and after wrestling with it for a little while, I gave up and chucked it. I didn't need that third ball anyway. I gave the yarn to Angel, who promptly asked me to cast on 18 stitches for her. Then she knit one row and got bored and ran off to do something else. Go figure.
Anyway, I decided that the other five skeins of this yarn, which were unused, would go on Ebay. Then, having made that decision, I went and dug through my stash for more yarn I could sell, giving my friends fits of giggles in the process. You see, I found a huge bag of yarn I'd picked up at a thrift shop, when I was a brand-new knitter. It was also acrylic, and not very soft. There were 32 skeins of this yarn, all one color, all the same dyelot. I don't know what I was thinking, buying that yarn. So it went into the put-on-ebay bin, separated into two smaller bags of 16 skeins each. Then I asked my friends if they wanted to hear the really funny part. Between LOLs and hahahas, they said yes, so I told them: I have 16 skeins of this yarn in another color! What was I thinking?!? Anyway, all of that icky acrylic went into the bin, and I found a few other yarns that I was tired of, so they went into the bin as well. I got pictures taken, and the listings written up, but didn't put them on ebay last night. This morning, I got an email saying that listing fees were 50% off just today! Woohoo! So I'm off to put all that yarn on ebay now.
Maybe I'll get some knitting time today...