Monday, February 28, 2011

On with the kitchen project!

I haven't make a whole lot of progress on my cardi in the past couple days.  Hubby left for a business trip to New York yesterday, so I was doing a lot of laundry, making sure he had everything he needed.  And as soon as he left I began my kitchen project.  As a matter of fact, I started painting before his plane left our airport.  So the kitchen walls are now a lovely deep brown.  It reminds me of hot chocolate.  Goodbye, wine-themed kitchen!  Hello, beautiful brown and blue kitchen!  I just spray painted the picture frames for the doilies; the frame sizes I needed were hard to find, and I only found black.  I didn't want black frames against the brown walls, so I got some hammered bronze color spray paint and changed them.  I think they look much better.  I'm going to make the new curtains this afternoon, and hope that I have enough leftover fabric for the doily-framing project.  I think I might also make a sheer curtain for the door to the back yard, if I can find magnetic curtain rods.  I'll take a picture later, after I make the main curtains...if the kids remember to do the dishes...

I went to the gym today.  Worked my arms and did 20 minutes on the elliptical.  It was a good workout; I bet my arms will be hurting tomorrow...

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